Hello everyone, and welcome to episode 13 of "Inspire Us." In this episode, Paul has the pleasure of speaking with Keka DasGupta. Keka believes in moving people from helpless to helpful through a powerful, free currency called: gratitude. As a 20-year award-winning PR/marketing veteran, Keka has dedicated her entire working life to studying the emotional undercurrents that connect people to people, and people to brands.

This mom-of-two has worked with such globally recognized brands as IKEA, Nike, Disney, American Express, and many other Fortune 500s. Her clients have also included various schools and boards of education.

Moreover, Keka has served as an instructor at the Schulich Executive Education Centre (SEEC), Schulich School of Business, York University. Today, Keka heads up multiple entrepreneurial ventures.

She has founded this platform called the “Art of Life-ing,” and she runs Gratitude workshops across North America for both students (with an anti-bullying focus) and corporate audiences (with a focus on building happy corporate cultures).

In today's episode, Keka talks about following your heart, even if it means taking a risk. She discusses how the Universe will sometimes push you in the direction you ought to be headed and it’s up to us to listen. She also talks about her anti-bullying programs, empowering children, expressing gratitude and so much more. I know you’ll enjoy this episode.

Here are some links for you to follow to find out more about Keka and her work:

