Welcome to “Inspire Us,” hosted by motivational speaker and acclaimed author J. Paul Nadeau. Paul's journey has seen him go from being a hostage negotiator to helping people with inspiring words and stories that boost hopes, dreams and mental well-being. This episode takes an interesting spin as Paul dips into Buddha's philosophies and relates it to his teachings on how to take control of our lives and beat self-sabotage.

On this episode, Paul selects a story from the book "The Zen Monkey and the Lotus Flower" authored by Tempa Yeshe. He reads the narrative and then dissects it, threading his ideas and philosophies through the framework. The story of Tenzin and the Master acts as a focal point, with Paul expounding its central message - the power of living in the present. Buddhists teachings emphasize on being in the present moment, letting go of things we can't control, and releasing the past.

Paul touches on the danger of dwelling in past memories, particularly the negative ones. He surmises that such actions inhibit our ability to embrace the present and to move forward. Similarly, while planning for the future is vital, he warns against the danger of living in an unguaranteed future.

This episode serves as a beacon of understanding about how the present moment is the most important. Life is a series of nows and it is in these moments where we decide how we feel and the thoughts we entertain. Paul's aim throughout the podcast episode is simple - to help his listeners—not just through sharing stories—but by showing how to extract profound lessons from them. Listen in for a journey of self-discovery.