In a world where 2 % of the venture capital flows to 51 % of the population (read that again), how do women and non-binary founders find success, impact and reach their dreams? Vicki Saunders and SheEO are reinventing the world, so it works for everyone. Vicki is the creator and founder of the hashtag radical generosity and SheEO, a radically generous community supporting women + non-binary people working on the World's To-Do List.  What I deeply admire about Vicki is when she didn't like the inequality she was witnessing and experiencing in business, she used her frustration to reimagine a new world and business model. SheEO is an intentionally designed ecosystem, business and economic model rooted in radical generosity, partnership, collaboration and the core belief there is enough for everyone. 

In the SheEO world, ventures and activators have access to this incredible ecosystem designed to empower you to be successful. It's a model that challenges you to put aside your experience with outdated and broken systems. The SheEO experience invites you to suspend your disbelief and be embraced, celebrated and recognized for the greatness of all you do as an entrepreneur. 

In our conversation, we explore power and Vicki's deep belief that you have power and your power can be used with others to make a difference in your community and the world. Vicki lets us in on what she's reading, the critical challenges present for entrepreneurs today and the importance of building our muscle for dreaming about what's possible.

Learn More about SheEO:

SheEO World Podcast: