What if tuning in and listening to your instincts to “do something” to make a difference lead you to your next business opportunity? Trusting your instincts, care and taking bold action is precisely how most women start their business. Catherine McGuire (Cat) knew she had to jump into action to help support her local community at the pandemic's start. Previously an event planner, she knew how to take an idea and move quickly. Fuel the Superheroes was born with the help of her husband, Jake. The two of them jumped into action, providing nourishing lunches to local healthcare providers. Cat leveraged their efforts and impact by enrolling local businesses to help make the meals. It was a wildly successful project providing thousands of meals over a few weeks. The response told her she was onto something, and the success of Fuel the Superheroes became the catalyst for WholeHearted.

WholeHearted is grounded in a unique business model that builds bridges between large corporations and local businesses to enhance employee engagement while doing an activity to serve the community. WholeHearted creates unique and fun experiences that engage employees while providing a mechanism to give back to the community and drive social impact.

WholeHearted: https://givewholehearted.com/