In the first episode of this series, we established that your career reflects your care and how your actions speak to how you care for what matters to you.

Redesigning your career is a growth move, and it begins with owning your value and creating a foundation. Taking stock to assess and acknowledge the skills, experiences, strengths, and perspectives you have acquired to date empowers you to own your value.

We establish our ground from which to grow by evaluating and highlighting our unique gifts and abilities. With this foundation, we are positioned to look outwards and define what strengths we want to leverage to shape our future. 

I walk you through 5 questions, practice and the next step you can start today to begin creating the foundation for your future.

I refer to two books in this episode: 

Taking Control of Your Career by Gail Donner and Mary Wheeler

And Pivot: The Only Move that Matter is Your Next One by Jenny Blake.