Previous Episode: One Day at a Time

Hey friends!

This week I wanted to talk about something that has been top of mind for me the past week and I've had multiple conversations about it.

The idea is living with excellence. 

Excellence is the quality of being outstanding or extremely good at something.

We live in a time where we glorify the achievements of celebrities and sports stars and business people who accomplish grand things, but what about the rest of us who have things every day that we have the opportunity to be excellent at?

What about the conversations with people at the grocery store, your interaction with your neighbors, the way you clean your kitchen or sweep your floors?

Excellence is not just large, grandiose things, we have an opportunity to be excellent in everything that we do in life.

I don't know about you but I want to be remembered as someone who is excellent at all things, even the small things.

In this episode I shared my thoughts around what excellence looks like, how we can do things excellently and what we receive when we do.

Hope something here was helpful. If so please share it with someone you think it could help.

Thanks so much for listening!

Talk soon, God bless!


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