Hey friends!

Hope you're all doing great.

Today I wanted to talk about something that life has taught me the past few years that I'm still learning.
What I've started to realize is that I can't do it alone.

You and I were not created to just live life alone and isolate, moving through it with just ourselves as our guide, that's a hard an impossible task.
We were created to live in community and exist together and learn from one another.
Life is already hard enough but trying to do it all on your own can be crippling.

Leaning into others and not doing it alone can be hard, uncomfortable and really unpleasant at first when its not what we are used to . 

But ultimately all of the things we want, desire and should have in life happen when we are in relationships with others, learning from and growing with them, not trying to do it all on our own, that will take you a lifetime and you still wont have it figured out.

If you're isolated and trying to do it on your own I have a lot of compassion for you, I've been there.
But please realize that doing it all on your own is the worst thing for you.
Nothing truly fulfilling happens alone. 

Hope something here was helpful for you or someone you know.

Thanks so much for taking the time to listen.

Talk soon, God bless.


Lets connect on social media:

Instagram: instagram.com/k.david__/

Facebook: facebook.com/kyledavidmusic/

Twitter: twitter.com/kyle_crabtree_

TikTok: kyle.david___

Snapchat: kyledavid970

Linkdin: Kyle David

Watch on YouTube:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqTMk53w-pGoXurdppIC_Lw/featured?view_as=subscriber

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