Hey friends!

Back with an episode for the men specifically today.
Men, this one is RICH with wisdom so you probably
want to take some notes.

If you're a woman listening,
I hope you hear the heart Jonathan has for men here
and ask yourself if you know a man that could use a coach
to help them find their purpose and mission in life
and level up their personal growth and success.

Jonathan is the go-to guy when it comes to helping men
live intentionally in all ares of their lives,
physical, spiritual, mental. emotional and business.
He successfully left the corporate world and launched
his own men's coaching business several years ago.
He's helped numerous men create the lives they want
and live a story of significance.

Jonathan's clients have reorganized their priorities,
doubled their business revenue,
lost dozens of pounds,
formed new habits and transformed their lives.
As a part of the Maxwell Leadership Certified Team,
Jonathan implements strategies and systems used by
thousands of the most successful leaders and trainers
from all over the world.

He is the host of "The intentional Man Podcast,"
a podcast that inspires and equips men to live lives
of intentionality and grow to their full potential.
As a coach, he helps young, professional men who struggle
with passivity experience the joy of finding and pursuing
their purpose.

This conversation laid out many of the frameworks
men need to intentionally live a life of meaning and purpose.
Jonathan also shared some of his journey of struggle
and what led to him  having a heart for coaching men.

From Wisdom, to frameworks, to mindset,
to vulnerability and showing your failures,
Jonathan lays out how he helps men go from passive
to living intentionally and pursuing the purpose
God created them for.

I hope you were encouraged and challenged by
this conversation and are able to take action on
whatever most stuck out to you here.

Please share this with the men you know who
need to stop being passive and start living a life of
intentionality and purpose.

You can find Jonathan here:




Intentional Man Planner:

The Intentional Man Podcast:
