Presented and produced by Seán Delaney

Theme tune by David Vesey.

This week I bring you the first of my interviews recorded at the 2019 annual conference of the Irish Primary Principals' Network. The theme of the conference was Sustainable Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities. My interview today is with the Chief Executive Officer of the Network, Páiric Clerkin. Among the various topics discussed this week are:

Relief from teaching duties on one day a week for teaching principals
Restoration of posts of responsibility in larger schools
Establishment of the Primary Education Forum (Calendar of reform)
Problems in schools arising from children who are homeless or in direct provision
His priorities for the year ahead (mentoring and the Centre for School Leadership; redeveloping online services)
Members’ positive response to the address by the Minister for Education and Skills
Applying for a position as School Principal
Prioritising for principals and making school leadership "doable"
Teachers’ developing their expertise in areas they’re passionate about
Transitioning into the role of CEO of the IPPN
The writings of Andy Hargreaves