Presented and produced by Seán Delaney

Theme tune by David Vesey

On this week's programme I speak to Paul O'Donnell who is principal of St. Patrick's National School in Slane, Co. Meath. He is the author of Wild Teaching: Cross-curricular Lessons Outdoors for Agoraphobic Teachers which is published by Meath County Council. Among the topics we discussed are:

How his upbringing fostered a love of the outdoors
The influence of Paddy Madden on his work as a teacher
How tempting it is to teach indoors all the time
Having students gather resources for lessons
Specific lessons in Wild Teaching
Making the transition from teaching to being principal
Challenges of principalship
Eliciting voices of children in running the school
Learning about life and death through keeping hens in school
The school garden
Minimising rubbish in the school
Earning six green flags for the school