Simple steps to transformation. We study our whole lives, but how to deal with negative emotions openly and constructively is not part of any curriculum. What is your habitual reaction to anger, fear, worry, frustration etc.? Do you swallow everything and box it up or do you loose yourself in them and allow them to take over control of your thoughts and actions? There is another way. Everything has its function and meaning. Learn to deal with negative emotions differently. Begin to understand their message and use them as driving force to make a positive change. Positivity creates space to accept what is in our lives and make the best of it. Sending you my hugest smiles, Suzanne. Get in touch and talk to me about my show and what you would love to hear: on my blog ( or @suzannefreiherz on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. And find out what I do besides talking to you: YUNA® ( and @yunakeepflowing on Instagram and Facebook.

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