My guest for this episode of Informed Choice Radio is Simon Watkins, author of Trade Financial Markets Like The Pros.

Simon worked for many years as a senior Forex trader and is now a consultant to a number of the world's biggest hedge funds.

He's written extensively on Forex, equities, bonds and commodities for publications including: The Financial Times, Euromoney, FX-MM, The Emerging Markets Monitor, Global Finance Magazine, World Finance Magazine and FTSE Global Markets.

In Trade Financial Markets Like The Pros, Simon covers how to balance risk against reward, how to search out correlations between asset classes that offer trading opportunities, and the major factors that could continue to twist financial markets into wildly contradictory modes.

The book also offers a refresher course in technical analysis and the full range of hedging techniques, including options, to offset possible losses.

In this episode of Informed Choice Radio, I speak to Simon about why investing is becoming more difficult, greater correlation between asset classes, the shift in global interest policies and opportunities this has created for traders, currency weakness post-Brexit, prospects of an oil price recovery, the premise behind technical analysis, and much more.

Before we get into the episode, a few words of warning. During this interview we cover some fairly advanced trading strategies and concepts. Whilst a lot of what we talk about will I'm sure be of interest to retail investors, please only consider things like options trading and technical analysis if you're an experienced investor and you know what you're doing.

As always, what we discuss in this podcast is for information only and does not constitute advice. The value of investments can go down as well as up. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future returns.

With that caveat out of the way, welcome to Trade Financial Markets Like The Pros with Simon Watkins, in episode 166 of Informed Choice Radio.

Some questions I ask:

-Why has it become so much harder to make money from trading investment markets?

-What issues does closer correlation of asset classes create?

-What impact has the shift in global interest rate policy had on trading opportunities?

-Is the current weakness of Sterling particularly unusual or a return to historic norms?

-How stable is the Eurozone economy?

-Is the oil price likely to recover as a result of recent output cuts?

-What's the premise behind technical analysis?

Useful links mentioned in this episode:

-Trade Financial Markets Like The Pros by Simon Watkins

-ADVFN Books

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