There are a handful of books which have genuinely inspired me to live a better life.

I've always thought that the measure of a good book is not how many times it is read or even recommended, but how many times you gift it and share the wisdom with others.

My guest on the podcast today is James Wallman, author of the groundbreaking book Stuffocation: Living More With Less.

Stuffocation is one of those rare books that makes a lasting impact, is regularly re-read, and I'm pleased to gift to my friends.

James is a journalist, trend forecaster, speaker, and author.

He has written for GQ, the New York Times, the FT, and advised clients such as Absolut, BMW, Burberry, and Nike. James wrote the futurology column in T3 magazine and was editor of The Future Laboratory's forecasting publication.

In Stuffocation, James shares intriguing insights on psychology, economics and culture, resulting in a vital manifesto for change.

The book has inspired those who have read it to be happier and healthier, and to live more, with less.

In today’s episode of Informed Choice Radio, I speak to James about defining Stuffocation, the mental and physical health consequences of having too much stuff, some of the barriers preventing people from experientialism, buying things to facilitate experiences, whether the tide is turning for consumerism, and much more.

Welcome to Stuffocation with James Wallman, in episode 165 of Informed Choice Radio.

Some questions I ask:

-How would you define Stuffocation?

-What was the inspiration behind writing this book?

-Are there mental and physical health consequences from having too much stuff?

-What are some of the main barriers preventing people from experientialism?

-Is the tide turning for consumerism?

-What are some of the future trends that most excite you?

Useful links mentioned in this episode:

-Stuffocation: Living More With Less by James Wallman

-James on Twitter

-The Future Is Here

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