Hello and welcome to a special bonus episode of the Informed Choice Podcast.

In this episode, you will hear Informed Choice executive director Nick Bamford delivering a presentation live at the Personal Finance Society 2015 National Financial Planning Symposium.

This presentation was recorded live at the International Conference Centre in Edinburgh on 26th November 2015.

The title of Nick’s talk is Building a professional adviser practice - three components of success.

Within this presentation, Nick shares the importance of having robust systems and processes, the value of teamwork and building your own brand.

Here are the slides which accompany this presentation:

Building a professional adviser practice - three components of success from Informed Choice

Thank you to the Personal Finance Society for providing this audio and giving us their permission to reformat this into a bonus podcast episode.

This episode of the Informed Choice Podcast is likely to appeal mainly to Financial Planners and Wealth Managers, but for our usual audience it will also hopefully be of interest, giving you a real insight into the inner workings of a firm of Chartered Financial Planners.

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