This week in episode 52 of the Informed Choice Podcast, Martin talks about how to cope with an unexpected windfall and the level of investment returns we might expect in 2016.

There’s also a roundup of the latest news from the world of personal finance and investing.

-Supermarket chain Morrisons has fallen out of the FTSE 100 index of leading UK company shares.

-Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg are giving away 99% of their shares in the social media company to good causes.

-Housebuilding has slowed in the UK in November, with the construction industry expanding at its lowest rate since 2013.

-The Bank of England has warned insurance companies not to dip into their financial reserves to boost earnings if by doing so it would undermine their resilience to market shocks in the future.

-The National Advice Clinic has been fined £850,000 by the Claims Management Regulator after making almost six million calls between October last year and April about noise-induced hearing loss claims.

-The Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, has announced that the government will publish its next Budget on Wednesday 16th March 2016.

Earlier this week, a journalist got in touch with Martin asking for his comments on protecting your finances after an unexpected windfall.

This is for you if you ever receive a lottery win, Premium Bonds prize and unexpected inheritance.

How can you protect your finances if you receive an unexpected windfall?

What should you factor into your Financial Plan if you suddenly receive a large amount of money?

Why is it so important to keep the details of an unexpected windfall top secret – even from family and close friends?

In this episode of the podcast, Martin also talks about the levels of investment returns we can expect to receive in 2016.

You can find the show notes for this episode at

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