Previous Episode: We Can Be Heroes Too

1/ Is there such a thing as an INFJ Writer?

2/ In what way does an INFJ WRITER differ from other writers?

3/ Do they think, imagine, process data the same way non-INFJ Writers do?

4/ This episode N4 is part of a new podcast series called "The INFJ Writer's Room"

5/ Understanding how INFJ Writers work their MAGIC

6/ What's an EKPRASIS?

7/ Why INFJ Writers are naturally good at it?

8/ Writing with and from IMAGES, it's what most  INFJ writers do

9/ Ekphrasis excerpt written by Ariane Kveld Jaks and inspired by "Nocturne, 2009" by Alice Dalton Brown | Fischbach Gallery, New York

10/  Is it still "writing" or rather VISUALIZING?

11/ INFJs are gifted with words, but not only words

12/ NFJs are also WORLD-BEARERS

13/ INFJ Writers have a lot of specific challenges, roadblocks, false beliefs, self-sabotaging to overcome

14/ INFJ Writers can't stick to writing schedules

15/ Lauren Sapala recommends the MOSAIC METHOD

16/ Letting the floodgates of inspiration open for our INFJ writing

17/ INFJ Writers receive inspiration in the form of "ENDLESS VISTAS" (Lauren Sapala)

18/ The "INFJ STARRING DOWN" at things approach in INFJ Writing (Lauren Sapala)

19/ Getting rid of the usual INFJ Writing Suspects

20/ Art Writing, the best writing combination ever for an INFJ

21/ How to crack the INFJ WRITING CODE?

22/ What would the INFJ Writer's Toolbook be like? 

23/ INFJ Writer: gifted or just weird?

24/ INFJ Writers as the "Great Connectors" and the "Great Rememberers" of the world

25/ INFJ Writers: "Hold the vision, trust the process"

26/ INFJ Writers are very good candidates for CINEMATIC WRITING

27/ "We will not starve for lack of wonders, but for lack of wonder" |  (anonymous)

28/" The INFJ Writer: Cracking the Creative Genius of the World's Rarest Type", by Lauren Sapala (2016)

29/ Special thanks to Lauren Sapala and Alice Dalton Brown whose creation strongly impress and inspired me

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