1/ Do we all believe that Charisma is the fragrance of the soul?

2/ What is charisma from an etymological point of view?

3/ Is Charisma an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE most INFJs don't have?

4/ There is charisma and Charisma: which one is not real?

5/ Debunking the Charisma Myth with Olivia Fox Cabane's book "The Charisma Myth: Master The Art of Personal Magnetism" (Portfolio Penguin, 2012)

6/ The three basics elements of charisma: Presence, Warmth, and Power

7/ Charisma goes hand in hand with leadership

8/ The INFJ Charisma: How does it manifest? What does it look like?

9/ The difference between LEADERSHIP and INFLUENCE

10/ Examples of CHARISMATIC INFJs (Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mandela)

11/ Was Hitler a charismatic INFJ? Was he even an INFJ?

12/ So, you're a CHARISMATIC INFJ, then what?

13/ Charisma and STORYTELLING: The perfect business combination, especially for INFJs

14/ How do you know if you are charismatic?

15/ VISIONARY CHARISMA: The secret is in the "DOTS" (Steve Job's Speech in Standford University, June 2005 / "Connecting the Dots")

16/ Is CHARISMA seduction or persuasion?

17/ Some elements in the CHARISMA recipe INFJs already have

18/ Charisma is a powerful tool that requires AWARENESS and PURPOSE

19/ Being Charismatic isn’t about you. It’s about the other person

20/ Control your voice, your behavior, your tempo, your "pause" button and be there

21/  Be a true storyteller or else...

22/ My name is Bond, James Bond

23/ I'm in or I'm not, i's up to you or to me?

24/ INFJ's Charisma: Low Key, Subtle, People-oriented, Storytelling-based

25/ VISIONARY CHARISMA is the kind of INFJ Charisma and it is deeply connected to storytelling

26/ The more altruistic the charisma, the more POWERFUL and lasting

27/  Charisma is not solely a GIFT, it is also a SKILL that can be learned

28/ Final word to Rainer Maria Rilke

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