Today on the pod, Ingrid sat down with April Uchitel, Co-Founder and CEO of THE BOARD. They chat about talent and the humans behind the brands that bring brands to life. PLUS: product development, distribution, marketing, and everything in between that wouldn't be possible without those people. Listen now!

“It gets lonely at the top”{00:06:03} “A lot of young entrepreneurs moving at the speed of light, you know, kind of that move fast, break things, don't ask for permission and apologize later mentality, which is just not the world that I ever grew up in.” - April{00:011:16} “But ultimately, it started to be a little bit like, ‘Hey, collectively wear so much more powerful if we help each other.’” - April{00:020:20} “Are they sustainable? Are they doing something better for the planet or society on a whole in terms of potentially giving back or supporting certain communities?” - April{00:026:21} “Because it all kind of goes back to something that you said earlier, which is identifying your superpower. Having a really honest conversation with my team and myself about what are the things that we know how to do really, really, really well?” - Ingrid{00:038:08} “Exactly. It's just an honest conversation that sometimes we're just too polite or even too busy to have.” - Ingrid {00:040:13} “It's really this idea of almost an advisory, but you know, a monthly call with this curated group of people, depending on your business and your needs where you really can have a safe space, a little bit life coach, a little bit strategy, venting, connecting, leveraging networks, ideation, kind of A B thinking and help founders and CEOs in that space between where it's really lonely, where again you have to kind of manage your investors a certain way.” - April{00:045:34} “Because like you were saying, it gets lonely at the top. You can't be super transparent with your board, your actual board, And then you have to keep up this appearance with your employees.” - Ingrid{00:048:03} “It's really like, how do we support you? What are your challenges? What can we take? What can we do together? What can we help you think through differently? And so we want to work in a different way and we want to really immerse ourselves not only just with the senior leadership, but whoever is touching that project.” - AprilAssociated Links: Follow April Uchitel on InstagramLearn more about The BoardLove your new host? Check her out on LinkedInCheck out other Future Commerce podcasts

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