Previous Episode: Old-school vs. New School
Next Episode: Succession IRL

Have you ever seen an influencer trying to be relatable with their 20 step morning routine and just…immediately unfollowed? Welcome to the club! Join Ingrid and Orchid today as they talk fake relatability, aspirations, and understanding what your brand is fundamentally. Plus, stick around for an exclusive sneak peek into Orchid’s Tiktok for you page results!

Kudos Venn Diagram{00:09:56} “I think of all social media platforms as different neighborhoods, and knowing the neighborhood that you're in and knowing how to navigate it and who's there and what to expect is an important way to think about, as a brand, how you want to show up to your consumers.” - Ingrid{00:14:05} What if TikTok could have different pillars for you based on your mood for that session, or does it already get you into different moods just by nature of the algorithm? {00:19:01} “I have found that TikToks where someone is actually giving a verbatim or like taking you through the product and how you use it, that's been a huge purchase intent driver for me personally.” - Orchid{00:22:18} “The idea of makeup and how we use it, culturally, has shifted as well. Makeup used to be about covering things. You wanted to look flawless because you wanted to cover certain "flaws" that you had. Whereas I do think that there's been a shift in the beauty conversation about a celebration of creativity.” - Orchid{00:25:50} “{The} definition of what's cool and what looks good and what feels good and is trendy has expanded infinitely, which is more of a result of the people who are creating input into the new generation and hopefully expanding out more in the diversity of thought and experience.” - Ingrid{00:28:22} “Going to market in the modern ecosystem, it's not rules, it's tools. So here are the boundaries, here are the guidelines to a certain extent, but then be you and turn that into your own content. That is the biggest differentiator between people who ran brands 20 years ago and people who will run modern brands.” - IngridAssociated Links: Follow Infinite Shelf on InstagramWant to hear more? Check out past episodes hereLove your new co-host? Check her out on LinkedInCheck out other Future Commerce podcasts

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