Cécile Richard is a graphic designer, zine maker, and game designer based in Melbourne. She was called out by past guest Maik Gross, developer of One Simple Observation. Maik specifically called Cécile out for Under A Star Called Sun, but she has created many games which are available on her itch.io page: haraiva.itch.io. I have played at least 6 games by Cécile and they are incredibly thoughtful and well-written. I recommend them all.  In this episode we will discuss what it means to be commissioned to make a game, experiencing art alone vs. with others, the difficulties in talking about your own work, the difficulties in making a stellar first game, researching for a game, the importance of editing, collaboration and the definition of a solo dev, and much more.

Under A Star Called Sun on itch.io

Cécile on itch.io: @haraiva

Cécile on Twitter: @haraiva

Firepit Collective on Twitter: @firepitzone

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