In this Episode, I speak with Raghav Chandra, Co-Founder of Urban Company. Raghav and I speak about Building an Institution for the future, a dream many aspiring Entrepreneurs hope to achieve. 

Urban Company is the largest services startup of the Country serving million consumers of customers with presence in 4 Countries, over 20 cities, managing over 30,000 blue collar workers via an organisation of 1300 Employees! Urban Company is known for its precision in terms of service, great culture and constant hustle towards a higher mission. 

Raghav testifies to all of it, sharing the learnings and insights they've gathered over the years. 

Through the Episode we touch upon a host of things including:

 1. The Role of Culture in building an Institution 

2. How should Founders go about Fundraising 

3. The importance of a strong sense of Why & Mission 

4. Streamlining workflow and aligning with the vision 

5. Dealing with the hard problems and not shying away from them

 6. Building for the Future and transforming a great organization to an Institution. 

Tune in to find out! 

Time Stamps (Coming Soon) 

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