In this Episode, I speak with the Founder of the Indian Global SasS Company that helps us Consumers to seamlessly edit Videos - Sanket Shah of InVideo.

 Sanket has been so candid throughout the Episode, sharing such great Practical insights and learnings! Sanket is an avid believer of the adage that if you do something dedicatedly for long enough, the results will follow. 

InVideo recently raised their Series A - 15Mn round led by Sequoia Capital and TigerGlobal, two of the largest Institutional Investors in the world. InVideo also currently has over 800,000 users across 150 + Countries. InVideo is not an overnight success, neither is it a one man or two man show. It is the result of 8+ years of hard work, dedication, perseverance and willpower of Sanket and his Cofounder, and the team that constantly innovates at InVideo. The Innovation and Culture show via the great hiring stint we talk about during the Episode or the Inside InVideo Blog or even the Customer Support article that went viral. 

Links Below: 

Culture Blog - InSide InVideo 

The team Poem - InVideo 

Customer support Blog: 

Rahul Subramanian Hiring Campaign: 

Through the Episode, we discuss the following:

1.  (3:41) - Viewpoint on the Indian Startup Ecosystem - Technology, Availability of PMs/Startup Operators, Cost Advantage || 

2. (6:51) - Sanket's Story - The Entrepreneurial Bug from the Start - Find your 0 to 1 Activity || 

3. (12:00) - The Story of InVideo - How did it come into Existence? The Ideology || 

4. (14:18) - Push vs Pull Products || (17:30) - The 0 to 1 Journey, Setting the Right Fundamentals || 

5. (20:35) - The secret to Blitzscaling || 

6. (23:10) - Going Global from Day 0 || 

7. (25:48) - All about Fundraising by Sanket - Focus on Metrics! || 

8. (33:42) - All about hirin & attracting great talent - The InVideo Secret || 

9. (38:58) - CARE, Retaining great talent - Work Life Balance || 

10. (45:59) - The We Pronoun - Being a Team Player || 

11. (51:17) - Feel Good Factors of Sanket's Journey || 

12. (54:40) - Final Learnings from the Journey || 

13. (56:59) - Summary Do let us know how you like the Episode! 

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