Show Notes - Buzz 1: Bing Ads Good News, Bad News
a. Bad news is it does not take 15 mins. It took me a good 2-2.5 hours to do this. But the good news is Bings support is excellent! They even remoted into my machine and spent 2hours in total to sort out an issue for a custom just trialing their product.
b. Seems like Bing Ads may have trouble importing all ad copies but support is excellent.
c. Shout out to Eden from Bing Ads!

Buzz 2: Facebook Save to Facebook Feature for your website
a. Ok, let's talk about facebook!
b. People will see your content but may not read it right away. It's hard enough getting your content in front of eyeballs but as marketers we also have a consumption problem with our audience.
c. Save to Facebook option good tactic to get people to save your article/resource/post for consumption on Facebook later.
d. If you head onto their developer resource, you can select what size of 'save to facebook' you want and it will spit out html code for you that you can drop into the html view of any page:
e. If you're on wordpress, recommended plugin:

Buzz 3: Facebook 20% rule phasing out
a. Triggered by a post I saw on Jon Loomer's blog:
b. So what's changed? Well the grid tool is now gone.
c. Moving forward your add will be broken into (4) categories based on their text density. These categories are: OK, Low, Medium, High

Buzz 4: Facebook Ad Essentials
a. Marketers often treat Facebook Ad like any other type of advertising like AdWords and this can be a problem.
b. But FB ads obviously work, they can work extremely well based on their targeting ability and low CPCs
c. Pro-tips on the following areas:
(1) Budget: i. CPL and CPA: Definition
(2) Personas
(3) Offer
(4) Audiences
(5) Facebook Tracking pixel
(6) Design
(7) CTA
(8) Reporting