Show Notes

(CORRECTION at 21:48 Microsoft NOT Facebook bought LinkedIn for $26.2Bn)

Buzz 1: The day the Internet video finally killed TV & Malcom Turnbull
a. Australia is currently in the middle of election season and the final debate was streamed on facebook by and made for some very interesting observations and stats indeed.
b. Before they started, the intro of the video alone was viewed 700K more than the views of the first two debates got and theirs hadn't even started yet!
c. One of the biggest stories was when the opposition leader Bill Shorten hijacking it. This was when he asked people to hit “like” if they wanted a better Broadband Network. The live video was overtaken with a flurry of “thumbs-up” emoticons after his call-out.
d. I wouldn't say this is the nail in the coffin for TV but what I will say that is a big of a sign as any that you need to get your video game up and look at out you can use video to promote to and engage with your audiences.

Buzz 2: New mobile and site testing tool
a. Google is increasing the weight of the mobile factor in coming months.
b. Specifically, Google will be pying increased attention to the speed of your mobile site.
c. Free testing tool:
d. Key point: Tool is harsh at the moment when it comes to mobile speed. Speed for most sites in the top 10 that are not Google is around 50-70 out of 100

Buzz 3: The State of Lead Capture in 2016
a. State of Lead Capture Survey:
b. Understanding the evolution of a lead impacts how you target them: Individual visits your site > fills out a form > populates database > allows for personalisation
c. INSIGHT 1: 78% of marketers said they rely on AdWords and SM Ads.
d. When it comes to proving ROI 34% of people don't know where to start.
e. Recommendation: Setup Goals in Google Analytics. See slidedeck on a Masterclass I did on this topic here: and you can watch the recording here:
f. Define your CPA and CPL before you begin. Check out last week's podcast for more info on this topic where I spoke about applying this concept to Facebook ads:
g. INSIGHT 2: I mentioned 78% were using Paid and Social Ads.
h. Facebook for B2B: Try targeted campaigns first by running website custom audiences then lookalikes. My advice would be take a very defined and targeted approach
i. INSIGHT 3: (5) Key Recommendations to capture more leads
j. Consider cutting back on social media ads and focus on other channels
k. Invest in CRO. Check out a great all-rounder tool for this, hotjar: