Buzz 1: Meeting up at Inbound 2016

a. Going to inbound? Australian contingent looks to be building! More details to come. Email me [email protected] if you're interested in meeting up. It pays to do inbound with someone else.
b. Meeting up with Hubshots guys. Coincidentally, great episode this week episode 34: Testing plain text emails vs HTML emails:

Buzz 2: Reporting Tips

a. Missed our Sydney meetup on Google Analytics? Join 200 Digital Diyer's next time:
b. Most people fail at reporting because they fail to understand the concept of reporting which is (3) stages: Statistic > Insights > Recommendations
c. The power of translating your business goals to analytics. Make sure you understand your goals and have them setup in analytics.
d. Goals can be macro goals (leads, sales) or micro goals which are smaller goals people complete in the lead up to bigger goals e.g. ebook download, newsletter signup, pricing page view, store locator usage, watching a key video etc.
e. And goals changes, especially micro goals. If has been a while jump into GA this week, see if they are working for starters and think of other macro and micro goals you could be tracking.
f. Benchmarking report: Oops! Realised I already covered this in EP 11, good enough to discuss again I guess! This report allows you to compare yourself to the industry you're in. Very insightful.

Buzz 3: Reporting Tools
a. Dashboards. Find them in Customization > Import From Gallery
b. One of my favourites: 'Content Analysis Dashboard'
c. 2nd tool: Reporting Garden
- Very popular with agencies
- Spits out a PDF with good high level data from Google Analytics
d. Quill Engage
- Amazing time saver, will write an English language report for you! Is surprisingly very good and allows you to spend time on recommendations as opposed to data collection.