Buzz 1: Buyers Journey Content and Pricing on Your Homepage
a. Key takeaways from a Buyers Journey Content Marketing workshop I held yesterday.
b. What is the buyers journey? It's the research process a prospect goes through in the lead up to a purchase decision, namely the stages are awareness (where they have realised and expressed symptoms of a potential problem or opportunity), consideration (where they now have clearly defined the problem and are researching their options and decision, they've found a solutionc. Great 1-pager pdf on the buyers journey from hubspot
d. Attendee question: Should I put prices on my website? My buyers are price sensitive and they always ask so I am a little cautious.
e. Answer is yes! Listen to the episode for more on why. It's great for SEO and the way we are all conditioned to purchasing.
f. Also catch episode 5 where I discuss pricing as part of the big 5 of content.

Buzz 2. What should you put on your homepage?
a. 55% of visitors will spend less than 15 seconds on your site:

1. What you do: You should ask yourself is the first or second most important thing above the fold? Highly recommend using hotjar which has an integration with hubspot and see where people are actually clicking. Are the popular CTA's above the fold?

2. How you do it (but how do it differently)
i. Slider banners suck:

3. Cues about your Why or USPs
a. You need to talk about what makes you different. Your USPs. This could be processes, it could be tech, it could be people or even just a philosophy to make
b. 55% of global online consumers across 60 countries say they are willing to pay more for products and services provided by companies that are committed to positive social and environmental impact, according to a new study by Nielsen.

4. Social proof: People want to see that it has been done before
i. The best thing you could do it video. Work towards it if you can't get one right away. Something is better than nothing
ii. Get quite creative. TSL has an embedded tweet about someone talking about how good Marcus Sheridan's keynotes are. This is next level because it's from another medium

5. Dynamic and updating content like a blog

6. Lead Capture tools

Buzz 3. Live chat
a. Live chat is an easier path to answer a question in a very short period of time.
b. On average if you were to get people to fill out a form, only 1-2% of people will do that. But with live chat, you can get roughly anywhere from 5-18% of visitors leaving their details via live chat!
c. Customer satisfaction levels for customer service for live chat are reported as being 73% which the highest for any channel, beating email at 63%.

d. Lead chat: Pay-per-lead and manned by their team
f. When you sign up you give them a FAQs list, you fill out a questionnaire about what you do, any pricing info you want to share, location info etc.
g. To see how the LeadChat widget will look on your site, simply type into your browser:[yourwebsiteurl]
h. Affiliate link: 

i. Pure chat
j. Free trial, great product, aesthetically looks amazing
k. Best feature is the analytics. See how many people are on your site, and you can selectively chat with someone based on how long they've spent, what page they are on, you know how many visits they made and what the source of traffic is