Show Notes

Recorded: Sunday 3rd April, 2016

Buzz 1: Average traffic sources comparison for B2B & B2C
- Hubspot generates a lot of data and they do a lot of research to continually develop their product and help marketers with data-backed insights.
- In this study, they looked at the traffic sources of 15,000 B2B and B2C sites & created website visit benchmarks across business type b2b/b2c, employee size, region, and industry.
- Hubspot websites do better than your average site so this is GOOD benchmarked data.
- Insight one: The Proportion of visits from each source by company type was almost identical for B2B and B2C. This proves there is no fundamental difference
- People are people, market to them as people. Yes the sources bring same amounts of traffic but at the execution level your tactics will be different.
- Insight 2: Proportion of visits from each source by industry
- Gives a great idea of source/channel saturation, what other sites in your industry are doing and where you can pick up your game.

Buzz 2: SMS Marketing
- According to Frost & Sullivan. The open rate for SMS is 97%. That's like extreme high distinction
- Use CRM and clever workflows to deliver highly customised SMS that will have cut-through
- Example given: Use email/paid media to promote a brochure > send an automated text sent 24 hours later offering a free consultation personalised with person's name, product of interest and salesperson's name.
- Tools used: Hubspot CRM, zapier to integrate, see use cases here: and twilio to send the SMS
- Example SMS: Hello {{First Name}}, thanks for downloading a course guide, if you're interested in a free course consultation, let us know when is the best time to call, please reply back with MORNING, LUNCH or LATE AFTERNOON. If you made a mistake, reply NO, thanks, {{HubSpot Owner}}

Buzz 3: Listener Questions
- Question 1: Do I specialise or go one-stop shop?
- Question 2: How to go about seeking partnerships with marketing/social media agencies. Do I simply ask for a meeting?