Welcome to episode 4 of InboundBuzz: Video Marketing & Untapped Opportunities

Recorded: Monday 28th of March 2016.

Buzz 1: New Hubspot email certification coming out in May
- Pre-register for the free email certification and be notified when it is officially released in May: http://academy.hubspot.com/email-marketing-course

Buzz 2: Video Marketing & the untapped opportunity
- Video is one of the very few anomalies that we know to be proven to be extremely powerful but is under-utilised by marketers, especially by B2B marketers.
- Video can communicate your entire value in a short amount of time, 1 minute of video = 1.8 million words (source: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/1166/196225).
- Shoppers who view video are 1.81X more likely to purchase than non-viewers (http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/visual-content-marketing-strategy)
- Your job on video is to: instruct, educate or entertain and video is the ideal medium to capture your personas attention and can generate engagement with your brand.
- Integrating video into the mix: i. Content Videos: If you don't show it, it doesn't exist. If you're getting a question often you need to address it via video. ii. I've spoken about hub and spoke content and taking content you already have and re-purposing it into video form. iii. Even if you can afford to pay someone else, I still recommend getting a camera, tripod and audio setup so you can turn around your own videos very quickly when you need to.
- Turn your team into stars
- Every major service or page should have video
- Explainer videos: Talking Heads, storytelling, animated or monologue
- Tools: Animated Explainer videos use powtunes. ii. Wistia: Measure if someone watched, how much you watched if you watched a section

Buzz 3 Listener Question: Omni-channel marketing
- Peter from LW Reid asks: Talk about Omni channel marketing & how can it be linked to consumer behavior
- Linking the two, a seamless experience for every touch point and the consumer behaviour decision making process is not a question of why but how
- A new study released by Adobe just last week found that 66 percent of device owners get frustrated when content is not synchronized across devices (source: http://www.adweek.com/socialtimes/report-millennials-most-likely-to-change-retailers-after-poor-social-customer-service-experience/634352)
- Develop a customer blueprint: Map out physically on a board the entire journey someone takes from being a stranger, to asking questions to customer onboarding, to post sales etc, are the front stage and backstage activities aligned?
- CRM is key where every touch point and interaction is saved. Integrates with live chat, can tell you whether they responded to an ad what their preferences are, who are all the people they've ever spoke to,p ut in custom info like the pricing tier they are on etc