Show Notes, Recorded Monday 11th April, 2016

Buzz 1: What types of content gets shared - Insights from the "B2C & B2B Content Lessons from 175,000 posts"
a. Resource:
b. 2 million blog posts are written each day, so how on earth are you supposed to stand out?
c. Average shares for B2C content were higher, no surprises there and this figure was 114 for B2c and 68.5 for B2B.. but the median was higher for B2B at 22 vs 17 for B2C
d. Entertaining Content works best on FB, some key best practices
e. Habit posts work well on LinkedIn
f. Most shared phrases from 1 million articles
g. When it comes to b2b content, look to empower and educate your prospect because as the report states "the aim of a b2b company in many ways is to make their buyer look like a hero inside their organisation"

Buzz 2: New Inbound Sales Certification
a. The free course by HS is a series of 5 videos followed by a 60 question test you have to pass at 75%
b. The whole context around the inbound sales process is buyers now have all the information at their fingertips. Where it was the salesperson's job's to inform and educate that is no longer the case. If the salesperson cannot add value beyond the information the buyer can find on their own, the buyer has no reason to engage with the salesperson

Buzz 3: Selling when you're not a natural salesperson
a. 42% of sales people describe prospecting as the hardest part of sales - so what about marketers, business owners, entrepreneurs and freelancers?
b. Here's a process:
a. Define your buyer profile and personas
b. Identify Problems: Be a pain killer not a vitamin. To do that you need to find a problem to be a pain killer for.
c. Answer those problems and execute consistency across touch points: I think what comes with that is the elevator pitch which you can use across different touch points.