Jason Andrew Bond: Bestselling Author

In today’s broadcast, I sit down with bestselling author, Jason Andrew Bond. Jason is a full time fiction writer who has written several novels and short stories.  His first novel, Hammerhead, has over 100 5-star reviews on Amazon (as of this writing), and hit best seller status shortly after its release. While that's remarkable in its own right - it's rare for any author to hit bestseller status, let alone on their first novel - the most remarkable part is this: Jason self-published and had no massive marketing push for his book. Everything he did, he did it himself. Hammerhead made it to bestseller status through word of mouth alone. THAT is impressive. You might think this success, so early and so quickly, has allowed Jason to sit back and relax a little, but nothing could be further from the truth. As you’ll hear in today’s interview, success isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. So if you’re a writer, blogger, author or just curious about the creative process, take out a pen and paper and download today’s interview.  There is a ton of great stuff to learn from here, including…

What Jason Andrew Bond and I talk about:

How Jason started writing early in life and the impact it has had on his writing today
What it’s like to have incredible success with a first book, and how to deal with it
The single most important factor in finishing and shipping a novel (hint: it’s got nothing to do with luck or circumstance)
Why Jason’s bestseller Hammerhead resonates with Veterans – and why he donates 25% of all profit to help and support disabled veterans
How to develop a creative routine (writers, bloggers, authors, entrepreneurs: listen up!)
How to find inspiration to write consistently every day
What Jason did to hit Amazon’s best seller list on his first try…without connections or a huge marketing budget
The first thing you need to do after you publish a book (this is the difference between professionals and hobbyists)
The most important element of writing books that sell
Why marketing doesn’t matter – but relationships do
The power of a small, passionate list and why it’s even more powerful than a traditional publishing contract
Which types of books you should read, and which you should avoid like the plague, if you want to succeed as a writer (I love this recommendation!)

Great Quotes from Jason Bond:

How to be a great writer: “Go home tonight and write for 5 minutes…do that as long as your heart is beating. [click to tweet]

The key to success in life: “5 minutes a day of writing, 5 minutes a day of reading and you just can’t go wrong. [click to tweet]

Where You can Find Jason:

JasonAndrewBond.com @JasonAndrewBond

More Resources

Nathan Lowell Zen and the Art of Writing The War of Art Robert Dugoni Hammerhead

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