Change is Good

In today’s broadcast, I sit down with Ryan Delk – creative entrepreneur, networker extraordinaire and Lead Growth at Gumroad. If you’re not familiar with Gumroad, it’s the platform I use for all my products and allows me to make my products Pay What You Want (believe it or not, almost no other platform out there has this same feature). Take a test drive by checking out my book 2 Days With Seth Godin below (as you can see, it seamlessly integrates with my website – and all that took was a few lines of code that I copy and pasted into this page). 2 Days With Seth Godin In today’s broadcast of In The Trenches, Ryan and I talk about the power of a platform like Gumroad, why something like this was the natural evolution of online commerce, and how it’s changing the digital commerce landscape as we know it. If you enjoy today’s broadcast, please leave an honest review on iTunes.  The more ratings and reviews I get for the podcast, the more reach and impact it will have.  So if you enjoy it, spread the word by leaving a review!

What we talk about
How Ryan Delk got started as an entrepreneur by building a startup in Africa
Why Ryan always adds value before he asks for value (and why that's helped him establish powerful relationships around the world)
Why Ryan decided to join Gumroad as opposed to other startup opportunities that were presented to him
How Ryan has helped Gumroad develop into a digital commerce-disrupting platform
Why Gumroad chose to be a conduit between artists and consumers – and why that makes them better for artists and consumers than marketplaces like Amazon or iTunes
Why 25% in profit is a game-changing figure for artists trying to sell their work – and how Gumroad is leveraging this number to convert artists to their platform
How Gumroad was built for the independent creator but rapidly scaled to accommodate big name artists
Why Gumroad gives all the data to the creator – and why this is disrupting non-transparent companies like Amazon and iTunes
How Gumroad puts the power in the hands of the creator to connect directly with and engage with their audience (unlike Amazon or iTunes) – and how this could lead to thousands more in sales
How creators can leverage Gumroad to create upsells and sell more to their audiences
The power of Pay What You Want – and why it’s changing the digital marketplace for the better
How Pay What You Want can increase revenue by 60%
Why creators should be very excited about what’s on the horizon for Gumroad (think better analytics and more developer flexibility)

Awesome Quotes from Ryan Delk:
“People fundamentally underestimate how engaged and excited the top 1-3% of their audience is.” [click to tweet] “Always add value before you ask for value.” [tweeeet]
Where You Can Find Ryan Delk Online:

Email: R (at) Twitter: @delk LinkedIn

Additional Show Notes:

Keith Urban on Gumroad Nathan Barry

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