Welcome Loves!
I am SO glad you are here. This week’s guest, Tiffany Leonardo is such a light in the world. She is Founder of Curl Crush Yoga, Sound Healer, and Yin Yoga teacher.

Tiffany shares her story of growing up in the Bronx, her 14 year career in science and medicine to then finding her calling on the West Coast in LA sharing her gifts through sound, yin, and building community.

We cover entrepreneurship, building community and the importance of representation and diversity, learning how to show up for yourself, and talk about the healing science of yoga and sound. Join us as Tiff shares with us her story of discovering  “What would love do in this situation?”


What we dive into: 

How Tiffany  shifted from Healthcare to Preventative Care with Yoga and Sound Healing.
Yoga as a preventative tool for self healing.
90% of what people go to the doctor for is stress related and this can be prevented.
Sound meditation and meditation is about receiving. 
Redefining stability in life and in career; Creating our own internal stability.
Following your heart callings even when it doesn’t make logical sense.
Asking ourselves what would love do? A great embodiment tool to align in life decisions.
Trusting from within- We have everything we need within ourselves!   
The magic of yoga- teaching us what we are capable of & helping us find courage through alignment.
How are you showing up for your own dreams? You are creating success for those around you but how are you using that creation energy for your own dreams?
We have choice in our lives.
Finding little life anchors to help you during big life transitions.Showing up for diversity, inclusion, and accessibility to help others see what’s possible: Why community and showing up for others to see you means so much. 
Props are your friends!!!
Correlation between props and our ability to accept help and our openness to receiving, Receiving correlates to abundance and growth.
Tiffany’s tips on motivation and energy management.

Definitely let me know how that perspective shift is going in your life and what resonated most for you in this episode!     

Thank you friends for listening in!
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You can join in more of the conversation and community by clicking the link below for the In The Calm Community! All my love friends! I hope you have the most amazing week ahead, and see you soon.


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Sahara Rose Deck