Grab a coffee or hit the open road to listen to Senior ABX Manager of Corporate Events at 6sense Angela Sadighian share her extensive experience and strategic approach to corporate event planning. Sadighian discusses her journey from organizing weddings to orchestrating large-scale corporate events, emphasizing the importance of integrating AI technology to enhance attendee engagement and optimize event outcomes. 

With a focus on 6sense's annual user conference, Breakthrough, Sadighian outlines how strategic planning, audience targeting, and innovative tech integration have led to substantial growth in attendance and engagement.

Here’s what you’ll hear about in this conversation:

1) How integrating AI and predictive analytics can transform event engagement and operational efficiency

2) The key metrics organizers should track to measure ROI, including pipeline influence and attendee engagement

3) How to create “wow” moments through thoughtful venue choices, personalized interactions, and technology like the Klik SmartBadge™ 

For the full transcript, resources mentioned in the episode, and more, please visit