It's that time again: You're gearing up for your next sales kickoff (SKO). In this episode of Event Experience, we’ll share how you can outdo last year's event, blend education with celebration, and set your sales and go-to-market teams up for a triumphant year ahead.

Reimagine your SKO and gain insights to elevate your internal gatherings in this timeless discussion featuring industry experts Kerry Taylor from Workday, Lauren Grady from Vimeo (formerly of Bizzabo!), and Sarah Shaheen from Amplitude.

Tune in to discover how to craft an engaging agenda, select a diverse and esteemed set of speakers, foster genuine employee interactions, and make employee celebrations truly memorable. 

Here’s what you’ll hear about in this conversation:

How to build an SKO agenda that educates and energizes 

Tips for creating an environment that fosters employee connection 

Strategies to make moments of recognition more meaningful

Note: This podcast episode originally occurred as a webinar in mid-2022, but the content and strategies are truly evergreen.