Matt's class has a break during the group project, then he tries the interview process for the first time and learns a lot about the process and himself.

Matt's class has a break during the group project, then he tries the interview process for the first time and learns a lot about the process and himself.


New material is sort of on pause?


Recent drops in class

CS major?
Another team member

Group merges
How many have contributed so far?

Interview Day

Back at HackerX, you did get a callback to participate in a bulk Interview Day

You had a orientation call
Some sample coding prompts and study guide given
Then a day-before get together to meet folks from the business and meet other candidates

Then on Interview day in office

Breakfast and later lunch
A 4 hour “coding test”

What kind of questions? Mergesort?
Did you freeze or work on each as much as possible?
Were the prompts cryptic or okay?

Then a couple interviews

A question on tech
A question on soft skills

Results – Where do you go from here?

Was it worth it?
The realization of failure; no impediment to the future

Next time?


~aether theories~


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This episode of In Bootcamp has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #529: IB #9 — Instentius Critazimum!

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