Matt learns Node, reflects on Group Project 1 and follows up from Interview Day, a chat on Open Source North!

Matt learns Node, reflects on Group Project 1 and follows up from Interview Day, a chat on Open Source North!


Node right now!

Mostly everyone had it installed
No “server” stuff right now, but little scripts
Be sure to ignore `node_modules`
Some people really struggled

Follow up from Interview Day

A response from the company
How to write a thank you letter

How to follow up and state continued interest anyway

Group Project 1

People management

What do with contributors with little contribution?
What counts and what’s worth it?

Code management

Handling merge conflicts
Observation skills are a challenge across the team
Broken code and poor quality working code in places


Single member wanted to own presentation
Rejected offer to collaborate on Google Slides
What team members participated

Final Grade

A……… what?

Saturday profressor on news
Open Source North

We have tickets!


~aether theories~


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This episode of In Bootcamp has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #531: IB #10 — Purpulized!

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