Did you know …..

“Studies currently estimate female job loss rates due to COVID-19 are about 1.8 times higher than male job loss rates globally? Working mothers have always worked a “double shift”—a full day of work, followed by hours spent caring for children and doing household labor. Now the supports that made this possible—including school and childcare—have been upended. “ 

In this episode of Imperfectly Polished, Elizabeth Davis of Elizabeth Austin Photography joins me in an open, raw discussion about these struggles. Have you ever overheard a man being asked when he was going to stop working to raise his children? No. I highly doubt it. These aren’t just social constructs or imagined pressures either. And In this current season, female entrepreneurs (especially women of color) are at increased risk of losing this already delicate balancing act. 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ElizabethAustinPhoto/ Website: https://elizabethaustinphotography.com 

Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/1iUT4llVU7dPfSvMHvYZL0