There are so many national celebration days, from National Hugging Day to National Coffee Day.  But today we are going to talk about The Toss Away the Could Haves and Should Haves day.  The day was created by Dr. Martha J. Ross-Rodgers, a motivational speaker and author. This particular celebration really got me thinking about how many times we think of things that we could have had, or we think we should have had. 

Does this type of thinking really help move us forward in our life and business? I have worked very hard to overcome many of the things that happen to me in childhood, and I am a recovering people pleaser, so this national day really touched me.

If there have been days, months, or even years where you have said to yourself “I could have” done something or “I should have” done something differently, this is the episode for you.

It’s time that we begin to appreciate all of our struggles and not regret the things that we haven’t or should have done, but to rejoice in our paths and see ourselves for who we have become, because of the choices that we made or that were made for us.

Quotes, People, and links mentioned in this episode:

Dr. Martha J. Ross-Rodgers

Glennon Doyle

Bonnie Ware

Peg Streep


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