Mark opens with a summary of our framework from introduction, to the 5 areas to agency in the final episode of the 7 episode series within season 2

Jim brings up the concept of radiant thinking and the concept of self

Jim says men often find their identity in their careers

The world doesn’t need more knowledge…it needs wisdom and that’s we strive to provide

Mark comes from an angle of enhanced performance.  He shares how his professional advisory work always goes deep personally

How much we make, our title and such can become too much of our identity

Jim suggests that we no longer separate our work from our personal and political lives

And now days you need to be careful about what you say and to whom

Mark appreciates being an entrepreneur because he can dod and say what he wants

He goes on about picking clients based on how reasonable they are - no assholes

Mark asks Jim about the day he decided to become his own boss.  Jim tells a great story about being denied time off…”everything I do I have to run by someone else”

Jim references our flywheel and the 5 spokes of the wheel…our relationship with money

“Everyone is in sales”. Some people recognize that and some don’t

Jim talks about his dad being a government employee and how different that is from corporate

Mark thinks all men contemplate going on their own, but many can’t overcome the fear and how he coaches such men.  He talks about men converting from permanent to consulting

Mark talks about working for stupid people

Jim pokes around with Mark’s career and how he operated as an agent for his candidates

Mark shares how he combines words - consultant, entrepreneur, freelancer…they are all eating what they kill

Jim talks about how our opportunities also depend on what our money situation looks like

Mark talks about deciding to go independent and what that discussion looks like.  How agents act as facilitators of risk assessment

Jim brings up the importance of self awareness and that when things change, you need to recalibrate

Everything is connected and we seek alignment through self awareness

Mark shares his experience with people rolling from contract to perm.  Job security is a myth

Jim brings up self identity regarding one’s career.  How some men identify by what they do

How do you answer the question…”What do you do”. He asks Mark what he says in response

Jim distinguishes between “How do you make money” and “what do you do?”

Both guys share stories about their dads and not talking about their careers or how much they make

Jim asks first…”where are you from”. Isn’t that a better way to start a conversation

Mark shares his reflection about talking about money as a recruiter

Jim shares this in the context of “what are you worth?”

Jim tells a story about attending functions and how helpful it is to NOT lead with what you do

It’s a better conversation when you don’t lead with what you do

Jim asks Mark how he answers the “what do you do” question

Jim talks about introducing people and how he could introduce me to others better than I could

Jim shares how he answers the question “what do you do”. I’m an inventor and what the fuck does that mean?

Mark wraps it up with agency.  Jim says it’s also about improved performance