Episode 30 Money


Mark again leads with the foundational structure of our approach and the 5 key areas of life

Today we talk about money

Jim revisits his exercise of creating “self” phrases and talking with his good friend about self awareness

Then he starts talking about money and how it breaks up relationships

He says there are two types of people - they don’t have money, but act like they do…and those that have money and pretend they don’t

Mark talks about having money and then losing it all.  Happiness was never connected to having or not having money

Why do we get so emotional about money if it doesn’t matter?  Self awareness is the key

Jim revisits how our childhood shapes us and he talks about his upbringing and his parents attitude about money. Good stories about vacations

Jim talks about his neighborhood and how diverse it was.  Poor and rich people

Mark talks about his hometown and the two different sides of the tracks and his parents attitude about money.  Good people are good and bad people are bad…money isn’t a factor

Jim talks about how money is necessary and can bring you pleasure

Mark distinguishes between pleasure and joy. Joy comes from within

The guys talk about earned versus inherited money and the conflicts inherited money creates between siblings and family

Jim tells his story about looking for cheaper gas when he doesn’t need the money.  Childhood habits that he’s stuck with

Mark shares his gas prices story and how our minds can fuck with us regarding money

Jim starts talking about money and relationships

Mark talks about his ex and money and how she clung to money

Mark talks about his hometown and his experience at Notre Dame

Again…inherited versus earned.  Generational wealth

Mark distinguishes between employees with big budgets and entrepreneurs

Both guys talk about their parents views about money

Jim shares his dads various investment accounts left behind upon his passing 

Mark talks about his childhood experiences with money and his attitude about eating out with friends

Jim says “I’m a cheap bastard”

Jim tells his “Jew” story

Mark talks about the difference between men and women and waiting on them as a waiter

Jim shares his opinions on money being used to manipulate and Mark brings up his ex again in the context of manipulation and the kids

Jim starts to connect the impact money has on the other 4 key area of life

Mark shares his story of recovering from losing everything…monetarily

Mark talks about Charles Barkley and Shaq.  Less is more

Jim jumps in with - how much is too much

Mark talks about his kids success and how money complicates things

Jim shares his story of buying his first house and how it had a shed in the back where Jim could make cabinets too.  How we both eat what we kill

How self aware are we about how we let money drive us