Mark begins with self awareness and the flywheel of life - How we respond to things now versus when we were younger

Jim shares his thoughts on the wheel and self awareness. “We grow bitter or we grow better”

He say we work hard not to grow into the bitter old man

Jim shares his “only in San Francisco” story. Parking meters and silly parking laws. “Only in San Francisco”

Mark comments after laughing about how upside down San Francisco is right now

Jim laughs at how he responded to the crazy - over emotional

Mark gets into the laughter and jokes about San Fran being bizarro world

Mark shares his Honda driving story and how competitive he used to be

Both guys agree that conflict is more dangerous now

Mark - “I used to lose m y shit in my car”

Mark shares his car conflict - “Merry Christmas”

Mark talks about pausing and  readdressing how he responds to other drivers now

Jim reflects again on his parking ticket story

They both laugh again at “only in San Francisco”

Mark says “all this shit’s a choice”. You either make your choices or you give your choices away…and that is also a choice

Self awareness makes you happier. You don’t have control over much

Jim says being self aware allows you to calm things down. It’s a sign of good leadership

Both guys think we are moving away from woke and back toward free speech

Mark quotes Scott Galloway’s Ted talk and “Do you love Your Kids”

Jim says our future leaders need to change the narrative - Stop scaring and misleading the kids

M ark says Biden is compromised across the board

Jim says more people are liking Trump because he speaks from his heart - not scripted

Mark says the election is going to be interesting

He says we are getting distracted from root causes and distracted with propaganda

Mark says the Dems are propping up abortion because it works. And there are maybe 10 topics more important than that. Safety, economy, border, etc…

Mark uses “the river to the sea” example. What river?  What sea?

Jim had a young man change his perspective about the protests today. The young people today don’t know what they are protesting and many of the protesters are paid agitators

Our young people have been scared, misled and screwed by Covid. There anger and frustration is almost justified. They got a shit sandwich

Mark says it’s still just “other things” and they’re still just choices

Jim brings up the frat boys who raised the flag and then a go-fund me to the tune of half a mil

Mark brings up pausing in response to negative emotions

Jim shares his dinner story with some Disney related folks and how Disney is aggressively moving away from woke. The biggest box offices are pro America movies

Mark says we will continue to hear things that don’t make sense while Biden is still in office

Mark talks about the value of focus, objectivity and respect in having challenging conversations

You have to hold people accountable to what they say and do

Jim says capitalism fixes things. The market dictates what people will do eventually

Then he brings up Bud Light, Target and Planet Fitness as examples of wokeness backfiring

Mark says life is a meritocracy. Sports is life and it’s great for kids. Work ethic, consistency, respect…These messages work everywhere

Jim mentions the San Francisco government school entity that is going bankrupt. Enrollment dropped

Different testing for different races…it’s a comedy show

Florida and California are different planets. Jim says where he lives might as well be Texas or Florida

Mark says that why many laws belong down at the local level

Mark ends with self awareness, choices, how you respond to thing - you are regaining control over your happiness

Jim says if you ever go to San Fran…remember to turn your wheels