For the first time the guys have a guest !

Carl Lane is a childhood friend of Jim’s. They co-captained their high school football team, met at 14 years old and remain great friends today.  Carl went on to play college football at Oregon State and has had great success as an entrepreneur and logistics expert

It’s a great interview and we all had fun

Mark begins with the flywheel foundation

Jim introduces Carl, who also is a listener and fan of the podcast

Carl talks about what he’s doing professionally

Carl trained top performing athletes for 6 years

Jim asks Carl about his views on health and Carl talks about his struggle with depression after retiring from sports.  He shares his desire to lead a healthy life forever - hot yoga and running

Jim asks Carl to talk about his health scare - testicular issues and how he overcame it

Jim opens up a discussion about relationships.  Carl shares his views on relationships and begins with his daughter.  The he cites how important his mom and grandma were in his upbringing

He says he no longer seeks approval from his dad

Jim asks Mark about his daughters and being mom and dad and how important our daughters are

Next up is money - abundant or scarce and how money drives behavior

Carl talks about how we change as we grow - he’s no longer a slave to money

He talks a bit about having no excuses

Jim moves into worldview and the impact of childhood - who raised us and how they raised us

Carl shares stories about his grandparents and parents and brings in his professional athletic connections - uncle, cousin and son

Jim and Carl share how and when they met and how their friendship grew. How important football was in both their lives.  Both guys cite how different coaches influenced their success

Jim and Carl continue to develop the story of their friendship and family growing

Mark cites how we all have the same challenges as middle aged men

Carl wants to be a cheerleader for the IMC

Jim - “what the world needs now more than anything is wisdom”

Jim tells his story about hitting Carl in practice and how the coach lost his shit - Jim had to run laps

Carl shares his story about the first time he went to Jim’s house and the other perspective having been friends with Huey Newton’s son

He states how focusing on what we have in common we can accomplish great things

Carl shares his experience first meeting Jim’s mom and dad

Jim brings the group into CEI and it gets interesting

Each of the guys have different opinions because they have different childhoods and upbringings

Carl talks a bit more about his football experience and how important performance and merit are

Jim brings up spirituality and Carl shares his journey and how different it is today from how he was raised

He felt nobody could answer him when he didn’t see any black people in the Last Supper—“I couldn’t ask about that”

Jim switches to politics and Carl shares how he was thinking in preparation for this interview.  His sides are right and wrong. He doesn’t pick a side.  He waits and listens.  He’s interested in the community and shares some of his service to his various communities

Carl and Jim are in agreement that K-12 is socialism and then they get released into capitalism

Carl reflects on watching Jim develop his craft and his dyslexia and then Carl brings up his stuttering problem. Are these disadvantages or simple last whistle”ly obstacles to over come. It’s a choice

Jim brings up “The last bell and the last whistle”

Carl brings up his recent work with one of the largest high schools in Charlotte

Carl ends with how he really wants to be a part of this club

Mark shares about how important it is to disagree, get along and continue to explore