Mark starts reflecting on how we both had recent communications with 30 year olds and how different they operate and communicate than we do.  Generational differences

Jim laughs about his encounter…”return your fucking phone calls…I don’t understand it Mark”

Mark frames the technology aspect of communication.  We had none of the technology…no cell phones, social media, etc..

Jim shares his opinion about how younger people feel we speak too much and they prefer to text

He also believes everyone is trying to avoid conversation and we miss so much when we don’t talk

He predicts that intimate conversation. Will be in much higher demand as technology discourages it (AI)

Mark shares the importance of context and immediate feedback (physical, energy, body language)

He connects the increase in anxiety and depression in younger people to this disconnection

Mark believes he’ll be more self aware of these generational differences

Jim brings his mind map into the discussion and breakdown generational differences

Mark has a current client that consists of people in their late 20’s and 30’s

Jim gets specific about Generation Y characteristics and seminal events (housing crash and Sept 11th). Student debt for 43% of this age group

Mark suggests that every generation has had it’s challenges and that victimhood has become a norm

Jim goes into detail about Generational details

The guys talk about the stark differences between being kid in Florida versus California

They go into detail about the impact of COVID on young people

Wars, open borders and other conflicts

Mark asks Jim if he felt anxious as a kid - not really - we were outdoors

They joke about “playdates” and walking/not walking to school

Mark talks about speaking differently to different generations

Jim says he was more mad at himself for tolerating the behavior of the younger person than the bad behavior

How do you speak accurately without being a dick

Jim cites the difference between “nice” and “kind” - the value of candor

Mark cites evil people who are fake nice and fake compassionate

Can you be too candid?

It’s better to be feared than liked - Mark uses the word respected

They dig into the fear concept

Mark talks about guilt as an accountability tool

Jim talks about football coaches

Mark says he feared his dad - letting him down and/or being held accountable

The guys refer back to their previous guest who claimed to no longer seek his fathers approval

Jim talks about his dad passing

Mark talks about his dad’s generation - 95 years old - His daughter videoed him for 12 hours over 3 years

Jim reminds us how we are the product of our 4 grandparents

They talk about becoming different people over time

Jim talks about his Rugby days and how he struggled to not bring that intense personality home as a dad and husband

They both talked about being intimidating

Jim shares feedback from the high school football coaches he talks to that most young men don’t seem to want to lead

Mark talks about leadership and responsibility…and being the jury foreman

Mark’s take on being responsible for other people’s lives

Both guys talk about not needing to be the leader anymore and Mark says there are 3 types of people

Jim ends with what he likes about the younger generations

Mark shares his concern about the younger generations - anxiety and confusion