Mark starts with some info about the structure of the IMC “Club”

He transitions to speaking of “Self” and how it all starts there

Mark lists the 5 areas and talks about subtopics radiating out from the center, the self

He asks Jim about what happens when he brings up our flywheel

Im tells our origin story.  “Don’t be frustrated, be fascinated”

Then he opens up about a trip to England to watch a rugby match - the club

Men only clubs allow very different private conversations

Different dynamic for men-only clubs

He talks about being dyslexic and how his way of viewing the world is so different from mine

People like to talk about themselves

Mark tells his story about the Orlando Country Club and the mens locker room

Getting a bunch of guys with similar outlooks together to talk about life - very cool

Jim mentions the importance of being with like-minded people

Jim uses his hand and fingers for the flywheel framework - it all starts with :self:

Mark starts with the self-hyphen phrases beginning with self awareness

Jim reads the definition

Mark talks about self awareness and how victimhood is the opposite

Next is self-evaluation the self accountability - executionMark talks about incremental change and how most people drop New Years resolutions because of impatience waiting for incremental progress

The guys are planning to have an assessment to qualify members

Jim respects self accountable guys

Mark talks about having drinks with Miles - one of his best friends

When you are your best self, you lift up everyone around you

Jim takes on self-identity

Both guys tout the value of authenticity and talk about how scary it can be

It’s reinforcement and reps

Jim brings up self control and talks about having to stop watching YouTube videos and Mark gave up bread and cheese

Mark talks about the value of an agent, a coach, a group in expediting performance improvement with objectivity and candor

The guys discuss control and discipline

Then they discuss self-talk and how important it is to be kind to ourselves and how bad we talk to ourselves

Self worth and self respect

Self gratification gets a few laughs

Mark cites the difference between pleasure and joy and then comments on guilt

Mark talks about his Catholic faith

Mark talks about cutting out the redundancies and creating the assessment for the “Club”

Mark talks about the formation of the resources and process of building the club