Our guests today have just returned to the US from Ukraine.


Our first guest and 3rd timer on IMPACT is Chip Duncan award winning documentary film maker and Journalist.

along with his good friend Dan White founder of the Geotrac Foundation, an NGO focused on expanding the worldview of young people through travel and cultural exchanges.  Welcome back to IMPACT.


Today we will talk about "The IMPACTs of War".



First, Dan and Chip met on an exploratory mission to Ukraine in September, 2022. Their team was organized by PASS - a company based in Alexandria, Virginia in conjunction with THE CARPATHIAN FOUNDATION from Hungary. 

Their first trip focused on refugees and IDPs (Internally displaced people) and those who struggle with disabilities.  

Ukraine has a population of about 44 million people and roughly 14 million have been displaced, and about half of those were refugees at the time of their first visit (refugees are those who leave the country vs. those are are internally displaced).  They visited refugee centers in Hungary, Budapest and Moldova and visited IDPs in Vinnytzia, Ukraine.  Many of the IDPs were disabled prior to the war and several had settled at a rehabilitation center in Vinnytzia called OPEN HEARTS.  

Their second journey was in May of this year and they entered Ukraine through Poland.  This recent visit included Lviv, Chernihiv, Zhodamyr, and Kviv area with an emphasis on relationship building with community leaders, assisting in medical distribution and medical collaborations with US-based doctors, and documenting war crimes.  They also revisited OPEN HEARTS initiative.

 If you want to help Chip and Dan's initiative to help Special Needs refugees fleeing the war zone. Their web site is  https://hopeacrossborders.org/

All donations are funneled through the US Ukraine Foundation a 501c3 and go directly to projects that help displaced Special Needs Ukrainians. 

See more at:  

Hope Accross Boarders:   https://hopeacrossborders.org/ Duncan Entertainment:  www.duncanentertainment.com

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