What does one see in nearly 20 years at the World Bank? Head of Investor Relations Heike Reichelt recounts the human side as investors move from evolution to revolution in considering impact.



- Is Head of Investor Relations and New Products at the World Bank, which she joined in 2000

- Most recently celebrated the 10-year anniversary event of the green bond market that the World Bank helped start, with the theme: ‘from evolution to revolution’ to highlight the pace of change

- Previously worked at the German development agency Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KfW)

THE JOURNEY. In our conversation, we explore:

- The unique role of the World Bank, an international development organization owned by 189 countries, bridging capital markets and global needs

- The human side of investor relations, how talking to investors is talking to people

- Observing change over the long term, from evolution to revolution

- Finding champions in different organizations to create tipping points

A big thanks to Heike. You can follow her work at worldbank.org and find the projects referenced here:

- Bonds for Sustainable Development - newsletter and website

- Beyond Green: Building Sustainable Capital Markets

- 10-year green bond anniversary

- Videos, including project videos