How do we stay calm and balanced while having intense conviction, especially with something as urgent as climate change? Bruno Sarda, CEO of CDP North America, shares his experience and what’s possible.


THE IMPACT. Bruno is:

- North America CEO at CDP, a nonprofit that runs the global environmental disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts

- Previously Chief Sustainability Officer for NRG, a leading integrated power company, and director of sustainability and social responsibility at Dell

- Professor and senior sustainability scholar at Arizona State University

THE JOURNEY. In our conversation, we explore:

- Developing an appreciation for balance in nature and in organizations

- How the 90’s disruption of the internet is similar to the current disruption of sustainability

- Going from a reactive change management role to proactively intentionally guiding change

- Having a long lens that shows what’s possible in every sector and geography

A big thanks to Bruno. You can follow his work at and on Twitter @bruno68