What’s the hardest part about creating meaningful systemic change? Globally recognized youth leader Nora Wilhelm walks the talk in doing the inner work to do the outer work.

THE IMPACT. Nora Wilhelm:

Co-founded collaboratio helvetica, an initiative that catalyses systemic change towards the societal renewal of Switzerland

Has a background in youth engagement and active citizenship, including with the European Youth Parliament as president for Switzerland, with the World Economic Forum as a Global Shaper, and with UNESCO as a Youth Catalyzer

Was recognised for her outstanding achievements by various awards, the Swiss government, and spoke at events such as the Conference of Swiss Development Cooperation and TEDx

Was the youngest participant of Presencing Institute Advanced Program on Ecosystem Leadership

Is pursuing a Master’s degree in Political Science at the University of Bern, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs at the University of St. Gallen

Speaks English, French, German, and Spanish

THE JOURNEY. In our conversation, we explore:

From anger to action: being useful by starting close to home

Working at different levels: local, national, international

Inner work and outer work: asking the hard questions of the self, the organization, the system

Seeing blind spots to see results: applying the inner work to listen better in the Gender Lab