We are proud to be celebrating The Impact Farming Show's 4th Anniversary. To celebrate, we are counting down and rebroadcasting the TOP 5 episodes from season 4.

This week we are excited to bring you our 2nd highest listened to and watched episode titled “How To Conquer Stress & Build Resilience”

Originally aired on October 13, 2021 - Tracy interviews Louise Sanders from The Stress Experts. Louise along with her sister Elaine Sanders are Stress Consultants, and co-founders of The Stress Experts.

Louise ande Elaine have worked with clients from all walks of life, from parents to CEOs; from farmers to community leaders; from church groups to large organizations. They all have one common problem and maybe you can relate: Stress is getting in the way of you achieving your happiness, fulfillment, and potential.

Louise and Elaine have degrees in the medical field and are certified professionals through the HeartMath Institute. They have successfully coached and trained hundreds of people across North America, including individuals, organizations, and government officials. Their expertise in the area of stress has been sought by TIME, HuffPost, Hermoney, Advantages Magazine, Everygirl and more.

Learn "How to Conquer Stress & Build Resilience"  in this week's 2nd place episode and remember to share it with your friends and family.


In this week’s episode, Tracy speaks with Louise Sanders about “How To Conquer Stress & Build Resilience.”

Are you feeling stressed and looking for ways to become more resilient?

In this episode, Tracy and Louise discuss:

The definition of stress and why it occurs. They discuss the stressful times that we are living in and how technology has created such a fast pace in our lives. Louise speaks directly to the impact of farming stress on farmers and farm families. Between the tough farming year(s) and the ongoing pandemic, it has created a lot of fear. Tracy asks Louise to speak directly about the fear that so many individuals and families are experiencing. Removing all stress is not the answer, and how the ultimate goal should be to become more resilient. Louise shares some methods that farmers in our audience can use to conquer stress and build more resilience.

Feeling stressed or fearful? Don’t miss this episode



The Stress Experts Coaching - https://www.thestressexperts.com


Thank You to our Show Sponsor: The Pioneer® Made To Grow™ Podcast

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