We are proud to be celebrating The Impact Farming Show's 4th Anniversary. To celebrate, we are counting down and rebroadcasting the TOP 5 episodes from season 4.

This week we are excited to bring you our 1st Place highest listened to and watched episode titled “5 Grain Marketing Mistakes You Can Learn From”

Originally aired on October 6, 2021 - Tracy speaks with Derek Dery, Grain Marketing Specialist with FarmLink Solutions.  What exactly is FarmLink Solutions? Whether you’re looking for a DIY grain marketing solution, or one-on-one advice, FarmLink Solutions help you develop a plan to make the right grain marketing decisions. Combining advanced technology and friendly, clear customer service, we work with you every step of the way to take you, your business, and your family forward.

With grain harvest underway across Canada right now, this is the perfect time for you to watch or listen to this episode and gain valuable pertinent information for your grain marketing.

We know you will enjoy our 1st place episode... Tune in now!


In this week’s episode, Tracy speaks with Derek Dery about “5 Grain Marketing Mistakes You Can Learn From.”

In their last episode together, Tracy and Derek discussed the true definition and goal of grain marketing. Keeping that idea in mind, they discuss the flip side – the grain marketing mistakes that could cost producers.

In this episode, they discuss:

Why it is essential to market grain with a final goal in mind. They discuss why it is beneficial for producers to build their team of advisors. Derek shares one of the biggest grain marketing mistakes when it comes to selling your grain. Overwhelmed with the many different avenues to sell your grain? You may be suffering from decision fatigue. We know that emotions or 'gut feelings' can come into play when selling grain. Why is it a mistake to rely on emotions? Tune in to find out more.

Are you a grain producer? If so, you will not want to miss this episode. Tune in now to find out if you are making any of these TOP 5 grain marketing mistakes.


Thank You to our Show Sponsor: The Pioneer® Made To Grow™ Podcast

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